Adding To and Taking Away

Deuteronomy 4:2
You must not add to the word that I am commanding you or take away from it—in order to keep the commandments of Yehova your Elohim that I am commanding you.

Deuteronomy 13:1
“Whatever I command you, you must take care to do—you are not to add to it or take away from it.”

Revelation 22:18-19
I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to them, Yehova shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Yehova shall take away his share in the Tree of Life and the Holy City, which are written in this book.

Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of Yehova is purified.
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
Do not add to His words,
or else He will rebuke You and prove you a liar.

How seriously do we take these warnings to neither add to nor take away from the words of Yehova?
No big deal, right?
Actually, it is quite a huge deal.
Did you catch the mention of plagues in Revelation?
Did you catch the part about losing your share in the Tree of Life?

These warnings carry serious consequences.
Your eternity is at stake.
Am I just an alarmist?
Am I just making a mountain out of a molehill?
If scripture says it, then I believe it.
Please do not disregard these warnings.

So what does this mean for us?
How do these warnings impact things we do and say?
Do these warnings matter to our everyday lives?
I’m guessing I could write a whole book on this alone.
But let’s keep it short and simple.

1.  Do not attempt to introduce man-made ideas into scriptural doctrine.  That means no Talmud and no Kabbalah.  It also means giving up your Christian commentaries and devotion books if they are adding to or taking away from the word. Any source of information that adds to scripture, takes away from scripture, or attempts to define doctrine contrary to scripture is to be rejected.

2.  If scripture says it, then we are to believe it and obey.  We do not get to disregard certain things we don’t like, or don’t feel like doing.
We also do not get to introduce new ideas (traditions) not supported by scripture (Christmas and Easter for starters…).

When I began studying scripture in depth several years ago, what I learned caused my wife and me to leave the mainstream church.
We’ve been involved with several “Torah Observant” fellowships, and have left them behind for the same reasons we left the mainstream Christian churches.
We established our own fellowship and hosted it for a year or so.
We disbanded it early this year for the same reasons.

We are to follow Yehova wholly and completely, and we are not to change the word of Yehova.
Subtle ideas and behaviors creep into fellowships and organizations.
We need to guard against such things.
Some of these things crept in long ago.  They’ve been present for so long that no one notices they are violating the warnings stated in scripture. It is the new normal.

What does scripture say about it?
Shall we let the truth evolve over time, to fit our needs? To fit what we’ve been taught?
Not unless you like plagues and no access to the Tree of Life.

Please don’t consider this short article as criticism.
Use it as motivation.
Use it as a catalyst to evaluate your ideas and behaviors and habits.
Does all that you believe and do line up with scripture?
Are the resources you utilize adding to or taking away from the Word?

Spend some time evaluating yourself, your thoughts, your ideas, your doctrine, and your fellowship.
Make changes as necessary in order to follow Yehova wholly and completely.
You will catch flack for this…
Men and women will not like it when you do this.
I’ve been called judgmental, unloving, a heretic, that my ideas are dangerous, and on and on and on…

But whom will you please?
Whom will you serve?
“But as for me and my household, we will worship Yehova!

One thought on “Adding To and Taking Away”

  1. There is another warning no one seems to know about, much less obey. James 3 says that those who teach will be held to a higher judgment. Meaning those who teach the errors of man’s religions or another false doctrine, will be held responsible for the souls they take to ruin.

    If what you say or do can not be proved by the word of our Father, it’s best not said. A good example are those who follow the calendar of the Qumran texts, while still observing the false Sabbath of the pagan Roman calendar.

    First of all, the Qumran texts are not scripture, they are more like historical documents of the time they were written. The calendar of the Qumran texts is a fraudulent mix of the true calendar of Enoch mixed with the calendar of Rome and the perception of others. This calendar begins with a foolish 4th day start, that is added to the Genesis 1 accounting of the creation week. Though there is no mention of a calendar or start time for a calendar in Genesis 1, those that use this fraud add to the word of our Father by claiming the calendar begins when the sun and moon were created on the fourth day. However, by doing this, they negate the first three days of the creation week. The book of Jubilees clearly states that time began with Adam.

    Those who teach this calendar have little knowledge of the real calendar or science of Astronomy. If they paid attention to detail, they would see that the spring equinox cycles through the days of the week on the Roman calendar as the years pass. This alone negates any 4th day start as valid.
    Had they asked for help from our Father, as I did, they would have been shown the workings of the spring phenomena and it’s relationship to the true calendar. The spring phenomena is an alignment of the true calendar of Enoch and the Jewish lunar calendar that happens on alternating cycles of eight and eleven years. This phenomena occurred on the crucifixion year of 30 AD and as recently as 2015. This phenomena proves that Messiah Yahusha sacrificed himself on HIS Sabbath, the 14th day of the first month, known as Passover.

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