Houston, We Have A Problem…

Revelation 14:12 tells us who the saints are, the elect, the saved…
“Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”  [NKJV]

Do you see the issue here?
When it comes to religions that use the bible as their basis, there are two main concepts:
Judaism and Christianity.
Each of these religions can be broken into various segments/denominations based on slight doctrinal differences, but no matter…

Do you see the problem, when we compare these two concepts to the scriptural definition of who is in the Kingdom?

We must keep the commandments of God.
And we must have the faith of Messiah.

Do you see the problem here?
Judaism has the Torah, the law, the commandments (basically), but they are taught to reject Messiah.
Christianity has ‘Jesus’ (basically), but they are taught to reject the Torah, the law, the commandments of God.

Do you understand this problem?
Both major religious branches that use the bible as the basis of their belief only have half at best.

How is it possible that men teach only half of what scripture requires of us?
Satan is a busy fella, that’s how.

If you identify with one or the other of these two religious groups, what are you going to do about it?

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