A Primer on Heaven & Hell

I’m currently doing a study about Heaven and Hell.
We’ve known forever that ‘the saved’ will have eternity in Heaven and ‘the unsaved’ will have eternity in Hell.
Anyone who has ever been to a funeral knows that ALL dead people “are in a better place now” and are “smiling down on us from above.”

There is a great deal of cultural and churchianity knowledge regarding Heaven and Hell.

However, I’m more interested in what scripture says about it than what the church has to say about it.
Can you even believe it?
Accepted mainstream teachings and church culture are vastly different from what scripture says.
Didn’t see that coming, did you?

It will take a bit of time for me to finish my study and to write a narrative on the topic.  In the meantime, I challenge you to do this:
Look up all the occurrences of the word “Hell” in the bible. Go to Blue Letter Bible and see what the REAL words were.
You’ll find that four different places in scripture are all generically translated as Hell>
1. Hades

2. Sheol

3. Gehenna

4. Tartarus

Each place has its own purpose.  When all four are translated into one generic “Hell,” things get confusing.
Let’s sort it out and set things straight, eh??

Truth coming soon…
Stay tuned.

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