
I have spent nearly two years studying the scriptures, praying about understanding, and I’ve written nearly 250 articles here as a result.
While I’ve been informed by a number of people that these articles were helpful to them, they have especially been helpful for me.

When I began to study the scriptures seriously, I started to learn new truths.  Well, the truths were not new, but they were new to me.
All I knew were the things I’d been taught over three plus decades in the mainstream church.

But I noticed the scriptures did not match what they are teaching.
When I asked church leaders questions about these things, open door policies quickly became “avoid-that-guy” policies.
They didn’t seem to want any part of serious questions regarding the Old Testament…

And so, my journey began.
As I studied, I learned.
And as I learned, I shed the things I had been taught, in favor of what the scriptures say.
I paid particular attention to the very words of Yehova (God) and the very words of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus).
One of the very first startling things I learned is that Jesus of the mainstream church system is not the same as the Messiah described in scripture.

I eventually came to realize that mainstream doctrine opposes Yeshua Messiah, and teaches the opposite of many things He said!!  Once I wrapped my head around that tough-to-swallow concept, I had to explore what that meant for many millions, if not billions, of Christians in the world, past, present, and future.
What I learned was not good.  The direct quotes of Yeshua Messiah are not favorable to those steeped in church doctrine.
This was a shocker for me.

My articles of warning here in this blog show the path of my own learning. In studying the Torah portions in 2017/2018, one thing in particular stood out to me:
Mosheh (Moses) always interceded for the people of the children of Israel. Even when Yehova was wroth, and wanted to destroy them entirely, Mosheh fell on his face and prayed for the Hebrew nation.
If I were to go back and read all of my articles, I believe Mosheh’s influence can probably be seen. I went from telling the church how wrong they are, to warning they are wrong, and praying for them to learn the scriptures.  In my personal prayers, I began praying for Yehova’s mercy for those who reject His words and His ways.
I learned mercy over criticism.

With that said, most people in the world do not agree with me.
Obviously, most in the mainstream churches who happen upon my articles tend to not agree with me.  But most in the Torah communities do not agree either.
Such is life…
I spent countless hours debating people, trying to defend the scriptures.
I’ve realized, though, that the scriptures do not need to be defended.
They say what they say, and it will never change, according to Yeshua.

I believe I have reached a point where I will no longer debate those who do not believe the scriptures, often times the very words of Messiah.
I will no longer be writing articles trying to highlight the differences between scripture and common beliefs and doctrine.

Shift happens.
And it is shifting and happening right now.
I will study scripture with great effort and prayer for as long as I live.
I will not stop writing articles.
But I plan for them to be different in nature.

I plan to do some topical studies, or even individual word studies.
As in, look up all references to truth, or wisdom, or blessing, or curse, or this or that, and study out how those topics are depicted throughout scripture.
I have begun leading an online Shabbat fellowship with Torah portion studies being the main focus.  I may post articles here, going over the Torah portions.

If you think my articles here are helpful, thank you for spending some time in study. As always, never take my word for anything.  Always study it for yourselves, just as the Bereans did.

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